First off, we owe a huge THANKS to our 2015 sponsors and hosts! With one event remaining this year at Cafe Javasti in Seattle, we’re confident we can say TNTNW 2015 was a smashing success and we owe it all you folks for your amazing support!
This is crazy! Can you believe that 2016 marks the 5th season of TNTNW!? At Espresso Parts we plan to continue to challenge ourselves to raise the bar, keeping this event exciting and engaging for our amazing coffee community. Most of all we view these events as an opportunity to celebrate and say thank you to the cafes, baristas, patrons, industry friends, and beautiful people that make this gig so much fun!
We hope you’re inspired to join us for the 5th season of TNTNW and we promise to deliver another stellar year of community fun!
What’s new in 2016? We’re glad you asked! We’ve picked up a total of 9 event sponsors so far, which promises some killer prizes to be had. Due to popular demand, we’ve expanded to a total of 15 events! Which includes a double dip in June, July, and August! Plus, we’ve expanded the TNTNW territory to include some fresh locations like Bellingham, Spokane, Post Falls, Bend, and Sisters! It’s gonna be epic!
Without further adieu, we present TNTNW 2016: